Neptune Health provides superior quality sea moss and products that offer extraordinary benefits. Our ocean-sourced seaweed is collected from St. Vincent and the Grenadines, where it’s grown in pristine coastal waters, guaranteeing its purity and potency. With regular use of our rejuvenating sea moss products, people may realize benefits like enhanced heart health, weight loss, and boosted emotional wellbeing. Studies have also shown the potential to help protect brain tissue and energize the body’s immune system naturally.
When you buy Neptune Sea Moss, we guarantee the highest quality and sustainability. Every purchase includes an array of certificates attesting to its authenticity, manufacturing process, origin, age, and that it meets all health and sanitation regulations. We also support certification programs like the Rainforest Alliance, Monterey Bay Aquarium Alliance, and Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC) that ensures worker welfare compliance throughout the supply chain.
Neptune Health is dedicated to supporting workers’ rights and providing fair wages and working conditions. We recently applied for our own Worker Welfare Certification, and support organizations like Food Justice, Naturland/Naturland Fair, Fair Trade USA, and others that are leading the industry in worker welfare programs and certifications. The goal is to create fair and equitable workplace environments where grievances can be voiced openly without fear of repercussions or retribution. Neptune Health awaits approval in our effort towards this noble cause that reflects our commitment to workforce justice.